period cramps? 5 ways to take care of yourself on your period

In a drop🩸: some self-care tips for your period. Sometimes, it's worth a refresher!

5 ways to take care of yourself on your period

My period gave me grief last week. I'm very lucky that usually my period cramps are not that bad, and my period doesn't impact my life and energy that much. 

However, once in a while, it comes in screaming, and that's usually when I haven't taken good care of myself during the previous cycle. (thanks for the reminder mamma period )

I had a lot planned, and sometimes it's hard to take a step back. I had to give myself a reminder on period self-care tips, because after all this is our phase for rest and recuperation and often the difficult phase. 

So here's a refresher! 

5 ways to take care of yourself on your period: 

🩸get the ZZZs in!! 

Your body working harder, hormonal fluctuation, and blood loss all lead to fatigue and tiredness. Make sure you get that extra sleep you need! 

I know sometimes it's easier said than done: last week, I did not get my extra ZZZs, and my body shouted accordingly. 

🩸stay active 

Sometimes you just want to curl up in a ball (and you should for a bit!), but moving your body will reduce cramps and help you feel better.

Yoga and walks for the win!

🩸eat nutritious food!! 

Focus on foods filled with micronutrients that build up the blood, and balance hormones as their levels drop during your period.

Eg. red meat, kidney beans, buckwheat, seafood, kelp, blueberries, blackberries. 

And just healthy, filling foods that make you feel good! This makes such a difference for me.

🩸use heat to help with menstrual cramps 

There are loads of cool new technologies that help with cramps, such as myoovi or stickable heat pads. Check these out if you experience consistent cramps! Otherwise, a classic hot water bottle often works wonders!

In Chinese medicine, even eating cold foods during your period is not recommended.

🩸lube up!

Contrary to what you may have thought, your period is not a lubricator and can actually cause more friction (it definitely does for me!). Sex can help relieve period cramps, and the blood flow to your vagina may make you horny, but remember you may need to lube up!  

Take care of yourself You're bloody beautiful.


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