Breaking social norms with egg-freezing 

In a drop 🩸: in many ways egg-freezing empowers women, here's what you should know before you choose to freeze your eggs

egg-freezing and the menstrual cycle

Egg-freezing is something that I had heard nothing about 10 years ago that has become somewhat of a hot topic.

Or should I say taboo hot topic.

We still don't talk about the process all that much, or say that we've gone through it too loudly. That's completely understandable, given that the process and decision can be tough, along with the social expectations around fertility. 

What is egg freezing? 

The answer is in the name: literally, women freeze their eggs to maintain egg health. Then, when ready, the eggs can be defrosted for IVF. This can increase IVF success rates as younger eggs are usually healthier.

Egg-freezing breaks social norms. It gives women the opportunity to delay their fertility, although it should be noted that there is a 40% success rate once embryo has been transferred (according to the latest research) (the embryo made from sperm and the unfrozen eggs when someone wants to get pregnant after freezing their eggs).

On our podcast, we focus on conversations around experiences, and sharing the ups and downs of them vulnerably. Meanwhile, our website gives you all the medically-verified details.

This week Diahala came on to share her egg-freezing process, and here are some sneak peak tips she shared: 

🩸keep a note of all the questions you have for your doctor and bring them to every session: make yourself the leader

🩸shop the clinics: don't just go for the first recommended one 

🩸do it for yourself, not your family or social norms 

🩸plan around your life: make it work for you 

🩸remember that you'll have to surrender control. You won't be able to change the quantity of eggs that are collected, and you'll have to sit with that. 

There are so many more insights within the pod - so don't miss it!! AND our fertility section will be coming out soon, covering IVF, egg-freezing, miscarriage and all the likes!  


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