International Menstrual Health Day
It's World Menstrual Hygiene Day!
or as we like to call it...
Happy International Menstrual Health Day!
(let's stop implying that periods are unhygenic...)
2024's theme: #PeriodFriendlyWorld🩸
We made a short list of actionable steps you can take for a more Period Friendly World ❤️
10 actions for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld
🩸remind yourself and others that periods are natural and nothing to be ashamed of
🩸say you're going to the bathroom to change your period product when you're doing just that
🩸talk about your menstrual cycle and period experiences with friends
🩸teach children about periods and the menstrual cycle
🩸inform yourself and remind others that 500 million menstruators live in period poverty (World Bank)
🩸campaign for free period products and menstrual healthcare support in your workplace
🩸don't get quieter when speaking about periods (get louder!!)
🩸don’t shy away from conversations about periods with boys, they need to know this stuff too!
🩸educate yourself about menstrual cycle related conditions, to spot whether and when you need help and support
🩸learn to work with your cycle, and celebrate it as a sign of fertility and health too!