Do you suffer from period cramps?

In a drop🩸 :  natural ways to reduce your cramps

nutrition impacts your menstrual cycle

As we're getting back into the swing of things and the new year, you may be thinking about how to make 2025 the best year yet (rooting for you!). Perhaps understanding your menstrual cycle, and learning to live in alignment with it are part of your goals. Perhaps you're simply here because you enjoy the drops of knowledge each week. 

Regardless - thanks for being here! 

Let's talk about nutrition, because we've received incredible feedback from last week's podcast episode, which shows that it deserves more space! (even though I'm sooooo excited about this week's episode too!)

Do you find yourself reaching for painkillers?

So often, when we're suffering from period cramps and painful periods, we reach for the painkillers. There's no shame: sometimes it's bloody painful and the relief is gorgeous. 

However, there are natural ways to relieve period cramps too. These are usually linked to nutrition, and are definitely worth a try! 

If you're struggling with period cramps, here's what to have during your period: 

🩸magnesium: a natural relaxer that can be found in leafy greens, this can calm your uterus contractions

🩸ginger & raspberry leaves: also natural relaxers that reduce your uterus contractions

What to have during the rest of your cycle: 

🩸omega 3 Fatty Acids: help reduce inflammation that contributes to painful periods

🩸iron: if you have a heavy period, remember that we lose a lot of iron during are period, so make sure you balance this out! 

🩸generally speaking, a balanced, bright diet: classic - I know. But it's true! We need fat to produce oestrogen and progesterone; we need protein to produce LH and FSH (other hormones linked to your cycle). Therefore, having enough of these is key to having healthy periods! 

When we've not eaten well during our cycle, our period can be more painful. I know mine definitely is (post-Christmas was hard ). 

On the upside: we can improve our period and menstrual cycle experience through our nutrition. How incredible is it that our bodies have such an automatic feedback loop? 

Here's to feeding our bodies what they need, and maybe reaching for magnesium instead of painkillers during our next period! 


Why men should learn about periods & the menstrual cycle